
Helping Employees Prepare for Retirement – Why Bother?

Capable employees are at the heart of every successful organization. Their experience, skills, intuition, and ability add greatly to the overall success of the firm....

Finding Direction in Retirement

In my work as a retirement fulfillment coach, I’ve met with many clients and addressed numerous audiences.  With my writing, I’ve interviewed hundreds of pre-and...

Who Needs $1.7 Million to Retire?

Recently several Canadian banks reported survey results indicating Canadians believe they need $1.7 million or more to retire successfully. I argue, the trick to a...

Don’t Let Economic Storm Dampen Your Retirement Plans: Life After Work is About More than Money!

Newly-launched book "Life After Work: Live it, Love it! unveils secrets to planning a happy and successful retirement Forget about the bite the economic storm...

Helping Employees Prepare for Retirement – Why Bother?

Capable employees are at the heart of every organization. Their experience, skills, intuition, and ability add greatly to the overall success of the firm. Throughout...

How to Keep Healthy & Active

Many people contemplating retirement believe it is a time to throw your cares away, just relax and smell the roses. True, retirement is a time...

Helping Employees Prepare for Retirement – a Win/Win Approach

Many people are retiring earlier, whether by choice, through organizational restructurings or downsizing, or unexpected personal events such as failing health.Fear, panic, and discomfort are...

Retiring is NOT a Walk in the Park!

So you're thinking about retirement. Ah, freedom at last! You're no longer working. You're no longer commuting. For the first time in a long time,...

Reverse Mortgage: Is It For You?

In today's world, we're being bombarded with ads promoting reverse mortgages. However, few people understand how reverse mortgages work. This is my understanding: With a...