Plan & Stick to a Budget: A Retirement Success Strategy
If you’re not yet retired, a well-prepared monthly budget provides a clear picture of what your current lifestyle costs. You and your advisors need this...
Imagine Your Legacy
One trend I uncovered as I interviewed retirees is the tendency to think about how we will be remembered after we have passed on. Both...
Death of a Friend – Working Through Grief
Last Saturday, I attended the funeral of Rodney, who was a friend. Just prior to his passing, I, and two others who knew Rodney, visited...
Retiring Right!
Retiring right requires a sound strategy. And if you didn't get started early in your retirement planning, the second best time to start is now....
Living Alone Without Feeling Lonely
Today's retiree understands that retirement is about much more than money, and that planning for non-monetary needs is important, including the prospect of living alone.Statistics:-...
Ways to Reduce Your Chances of Fraud
Unfortunately, in today's world there are many scams and frauds taking place - from charity misrepresentations and accounting frauds to computer scams, just to name...
Retirement’s Go-Go / Slow-Go / No-Go Years
Most of us retiring today will live another fifteen, twenty, thirty, or more years. Retirement could be the second longest period of your life. Considering...
Helping Clients/Employees Deal with Retirement Fears
Retirement is a time of change - the adoption of a new life style, being more self-reliant, and taking on new and different responsibilities. With...
How Do You Want to be Remembered? A Gift to Family
"What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others." PerillesHow many times have...