Gone are the days of rushing to work, fighting traffic, meeting deadlines, skipping lunch, and working overtime. Retirement is the time to slow down, relax, and play. This is your reward for all your years of hard work. The question for you now is this: What are you going to do with your leisure time?…

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For many of us in North America, work is a defining feature of our life, and this begins at a very young age. Children play with work roles such as teacher or soldier. They dress up in work attire for Halloween: doctors, astronauts— even pirates are pirates for a living. Work is also closely linked…

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In many ways, we can consider current and soon-to-be retirees only the second generation to experience retirement because it’s only in the last 50-80 years that government and private pensions have allowed working people to support themselves after leaving paid employment. The nature of retirement is undergoing a transformation. Although the change is positive, it…

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Where do you start in planning for retirement? I suggest you start by taking time to consider and visualize what retirement currently means to you. Do whatever you usually do when you want to think things over, whether it’s sitting quietly by yourself, taking a walk, or chatting with a friend over coffee. Don’t attempt…

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Letting retirement just happen is exactly what many people do, to the detriment of themselves and their loved ones. Let me share a personal story that illustrates the dangers of retiring without a well-thought-out plan. My father, Jack, was more than merely successful in his work. He loved his job! His friends were there. His…

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In your quest for a successful retirement, beware of retirement’s outmoded image, which can generate challenges of its own. Retirement used to mean starting a chapter in life in which retirees become non-productive, non-contributing members of society, heading into their final sunset. Many retirees still have this pessimistic view and end up mentally “hanging up…

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Sitting at your desk or standing by your machine, you picture waking up in the morning when you’re ready instead of when you have to; you lounge around the house with a cup of coffee and your favourite book; you call up friends for tennis or a round of golf, or maybe to play cards…

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Global populations are aging – according to the UN, by 2030, the number of people aged 60 years or over is projected to grow by 56%, and by 2050 is expected to double again, to a total of 2.1 billion seniors worldwide. Where and how will our seniors live in the future? Is it possible…

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Loneliness and social isolation are common among the elderly often leading to declining health and poor quality of life. The recent US Census found that 11 million or 28% of people aged 65 and older live alone. Statistics Canada reports 20% of Canadian seniors do not participate in weekly or even monthly activities. Social contacts…

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A. Identify reasons why you feel lonely. Consider the following questions to help you determine why you feel lonely. When do I feel lonely? Do certain people make me feel more lonely than others? How long have I been feeling this way? B. Keep a journal to track thoughts and feelings. Journaling is a great…

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