Retirement is a time of change – the adoption of a new life style, being more self-reliant, and taking on new and different responsibilities. With such change comes a change for fear to grow.
Have you ever heard a client/employee say: “Will I lose my physical or mental health as I age?”; “Will I have sufficient monies to permit me to accomplish my retirement plans?”; “Will disputes or mood swings affect my relationship with my spouse/partner and/or friends?”; “What will I do with myself, I only know my job?”
Fears cause feelings of unease and if not addressed, can act as obstacles between a person and a happy retirement. As humans, we all have fears. Fears protect us. Our fear of being in an automobile accident makes us drive within the speed limit, wear a seatbelt, and watch for careless drivers. Our fear of falling makes us take extra precaution when walking down stairs. However, when fears get out of control, they can snare our actions and escalate to the point of overtaking rational thinking. Our fears can paralyze us from trying something new.
To help clients/employees overcome fears about retirement, here are some actions you can take when needed:
- Stay positive. Remind the person how fortunate he/she is to have good health, a loving family and friends, and live in a free country.
- Acknowledge strengths and ability to adapt to change. Ask the person to think about the changes he/she already managed successfully, including surviving adolescence, getting an education, buying a home, raising a family, and holding a job.
- Focus on the retirement plan. Underline the importance of building and implementing a fulfilling, holistic retirement plan and moving forward to accomplish what is important, including a financial plan, balanced leisure lifestyle, finding purpose, and using the concept of legacy to guide actions in life after work.
- Importance of sharing fears. Encourage the person to talk to others about what bothers them about retirement. Hearing different perspectives and input may help better understand the fear.
- Caring. Remind the person of your willingness to help him/her succeed in retirement, that you are present not only for financial matters, but also to act as a coach and friend.
Retirement is one of life’s most exciting times, a time for exploration, shift in focus, and demand for new knowledge and skills. For most people, it is new territory and as a caring professional, it’s a wonderful opportunity to ‘ride shotgun’.