Many thanks to the Knowledge Bureau for awarding me a Certificate of Distinction and granting permission to use the esteemed certification mark FDFS (Fellow of Distinguished Financial Services). I am honoured.
As part of my practice, I’ve worked with representatives of Nesbitt Burns, Faith Life Financial, Sun Life, Assante Wealth Management, BMO, and others. I’ve presented at numerous Advocis Chapter meetings, Pro Seminar and Knowledge Bureau events.
My books, workbooks, articles, blogs, workshops, and presentations are for anyone contemplating retirement. My materials and information are easily used by financial advisors and wealth managers to help guide clients enhance their life after work.
Over the past 12 years, I’ve made a detailed study of what makes for a successful retirement. This included gathering data through library research, and insights from friends, acquaintances, and others using various interviewing techniques.

The result of my investigations is five published books (Don’t Just Retire – Live It, Love It! Strategies for Retiring Right! Why Me? And No Gold Watch! Life After Work: Live It, Love it! and Coaching Clients for Retirement: A Primer). The intended readership is those between the ages of 45 to 65 plus the newly retired. I also created two workbooks, The First Step and Strategies for Retiring Right! both pre-retirement planning guides, plus a ten (10) module self-directed course.
As part of my practice, I facilitate workshops and make presentations to assist boomers with their exploration as a retired person. The information, exercises, group discussions, and true-to-life cases, is intended to encourage participants take a proactive interest in their retirement.
My intent is to provide insight and direction, without compromising one’s own decision-making process.
I welcome your comments and questions. My e-mail address is: