Newly-launched book “Life After Work: Live it, Love it! unveils secrets to planning a happy and successful retirement
Forget about the bite the economic storm has taken out of your savings. You can still have a happy retirement without a large nest egg. All it takes is a little planning.
This is the message contained in my newly released unique retirement “self help” book, called Life After Work: Live it, Love it!. In addition to financial advice, the book – a personal planning guide to enhance life after work – features every topic a person thinking about retirement should consider, from the importance of creating a balanced lifestyle and how to ensure you get along with your spouse or partner, to how to deal with the fear associated with this next stage of life.
Contrary to popular belief, money doesn’t influence the quality of a person’s retirement, yet most retirement books focus only on finances. I’ve interviewed hundreds of retirees and found many wealthy people without a ‘holistic’ retirement plan were unhappy in their golden years. Generally people consider only the financial aspects of retirement but don’t give thought to other areas, such as possible changes in spousal/partner relationships or how to maintain or improve their health and wellbeing. On the other hand, I’ve met many people on tight budgets who had a well thought-out plan and were content and fulfilled.
Since the economy isn’t something a person can control, it’s wise to focus on things that are within one’s power, such as adopting a positive attitude, having fun without spending a lot of money, building relationships with family and friends, successfully managing time, choosing where to live, and creating a great legacy.
Most people know of someone who lived only a few years after retiring, often succumbing to depression which in turn led to deteriorating health. It’s so common to find people who have retired from active lives and successful careers only to take on inactive existences, and the consequences can be devastating.
With people living longer, it’s crucial to build a carefully-thought out retirement plan that acts as a compass for direction and future decisions. Ideally, a person should start thinking about and planning for retirement as early as 45 years old to ensure all the pieces are in place to get the most from life after work.
To get started on making a retirement plan, I offer this advice:
Find your new role in retirement. Visualize what life will be like in retirement; talk to successful retirees and read articles and books on the subject. Ask yourself, ‘what will be my legacy?’ and build action steps to achieve it.
Understand and get control of your finances. Find and use a financial advisor, become an educated investor, take strides to eliminate debt, and create and maintain a monthly personal and household budget.
Choose where to live. Considering where you will spend your time is every bit as important as considering how you will spend your time. What is your home’s suitability as you age? If you decide to move, thoroughly research your options and choices. In addition, consider your new home in relationship with your intended lifestyle.
Maintain or improve your health. Create a health and wellbeing strategy including action steps to improve your physical, mental, and spiritual health.
Explore your options and interests. Build a balanced lifestyle that includes entertainment, education, travel, at least one sport, social activities and one or more hobbies. Experiment until you find the right mix for you.
Create and maintain good relationships. Learn how to reward those in your social circle, and rediscover the elements of a happy spousal/partner relationship, including open communications and better listening.
Become a positive force within your community. Speak up and take an active interest in local events. Pursue life with vitality, interest and passion, and have personal dignity in everything you do.
Maintain a sense of humour. Laugh, enjoy life and see the positive side. When setbacks happen, seek help and get back on track quickly.
There’s no doubt that retirement is one of the most challenging times of our lives, yet if planning properly, it can also be the most exciting times. It has been proven time and again that those who have a realistic, livable retirement plan will substantially increase their chances of enjoying their golden years to the fullest.
Life After Work: Live it, Love it! is available from Amazon and my website
For more information, or to set up interviews
Rick Atkinson Tel: (416) 282-7320. // Email: