Why Use a Fulfillment Coach for Retirement
Most of us retiring today will live another 15, 20, 30, or more years. Retirement could be the second-longest period of our life. Considering this fact, I have a question for you: 'Will you create the best retirement you can, or will you let your retirement years just happen to you?'
In my research, I found that unsuccessful retirees mainly see retirement as an escape. Successful retirees are also often glad to leave their job. However, successful retirees go far beyond that. They have a clear concept of what makes for a well-rounded, holistic, happy, and stimulating retirement.
So how do you prepare for life after work? Many boomers are turning to fulfillment coaches to get the information and assistance needed. Getting a coach can prove to be life-changing. A fulfillment coach is beneficial in the following ways:
- Helps with your re-discovery. If you loved your work for most of your life, you might face an identity crisis after retirement. A fulfillment coach will help you figure out your priorities, including identifying your needs and wants. If you want to make the last phase of your life fruitful, then a coach will help you prioritize your needs and visualize a retirement that meets your priorities.
- Allows you to achieve success. Some people thrive on success in the workplace and retirement takes that away. Fulfillment coaches work with you both in preparing for, and living in retirement. Your coach helps you identify your passion and purpose, and associated goals. Working towards your goals gives you a sense of achievement.
- Diverse advice. Fulfillment coaches tend to be more holistic. It is not uncommon for coaches to offer health coaching as well as how best to build a balanced leisure lifestyle, strategies for managing relationships with spouse/partner, friends, and family, how to use legacy to guide actions, where to live as you age, and more.
For over fourteen years, I've helped hundreds of boomers retire successfully. Together we create a vision which is well-rounded and holistic. We create a plan to make it happen! Vision and plans include: your new role; realistic financial plan; balanced leisure lifestyle; where to live now and in the future, steps to nurturing a positive attitude, actions to maintain or improve mental, physical health, and spirituality; identifying legacy; enhancing relationships, finding and using mentors, your bucket list, and more.
The choice is yours. You can sit and wait for whatever comes along, or you can tackle the challenges and opportunities of retiring successfully. Will you reserve your place in the rocking chair or grab the brass ring of retirement life? If you are somewhere between the ages of 45 to 65, it's time to explore your future as a retiree. Seriously consider beginning your journey with a fulfillment coach; be the best you can and live an enriching retirement life.