I’m excited to announce the release of my new book, Life After Work: Live it, Love it!
I ask the question: “Will you create the best retirement you can, or will you let your retirement years just happen to you?” Life After Work: Live It, Love it! provides you a pathway to a happy, fulfilling, and successful retirement.
In its 14 chapters, I discuss essential topics:
- How to create a realistic vision of retirement
- The importance of a positive attitude
- Building a balanced leisure, health and wellbeing strategy
- Steps for enhancing relationships with spouse/partner, family, friends and service providers
- Using legacy as a guide when creating your vision
- Engaging mentors (successful retirees)
- How much money is enough (to fund your vision)
- Where you will live in retirement (including the suitability of your current home)
- Your bucket list
- You as a mentor to others
- and much more
Throughout the book are insights gained from hundreds of interviews with successful retirees. Descriptive materials with examples and true to life stories; 27 self-completing exercises designed to help you create your retirement vision and plan, and four retirement plans (Megan & David; Elma & Susan; Sam & Maria, and Sally McBride). The retirement plans help the reader to compare their individual plan to the models for completeness and clarity.
Remember, most of us retiring today will live another 15, 20, 30 or more years. Life After Work: Live It, Love it! will help make your retirement years successful and rewarding.
To order, here is the Amazon link https://www.amazon.ca/Life-After-Work-enhancing-retirement/dp/0981106544/ Also, you can order copies using my website: www.whencaniretire.ca.
I welcome your comments and reviews.
Rick Atkinson