A. Don’t Just Retire – Live It, Love It!
There is life after work, you just have to find it and make certain you do it right. And to help make certain you’re on the right path, Rick wrote Don’t Just Retire – Live It Love It! and in this book, it’s not all about money.
Just a month prior to my plunge into retirement, Rick told me about his book. Lo and behold, it opened my eyes to a myriad of topics that I hadn’t even considered – the right time of the year to retire, making lists to keep me focused as the day went along, journaling to capture my thoughts and actions and ways to save money. And those are only a few of the topics – he does cover the money part of it, too!
Don’t Just Retire – Live It, Love It! is for anyone contemplating retirement and the earlier one reads it the better to get on the right path towards retirement planning. Even if you’re already in that wonderful phase of life, guidance from the book can enhance the life you are leading, making certain you’re getting the most out of your ‘golden years’. Dan Slovitt, Retired journalist, and logistics manager.
B. Strategies for Retiring Right!
While on the speaking circuit talking about my first book, Don’t Just Retire – Live It, Love It! I was asked numerous times, “Rick, if you had to condense your retirement advice to six or seven major points, what would those be?” With this question reverberating in my mind, I sought the answer, which included speaking with the many successful retirees that I interviewed for my first book. As a result, Strategies for Retiring Right! was born. It’s a practical guide offering profound insights, true stories, and hands-on exercises.
In its twenty-seven chapters, Strategies for Retiring Right! covers essential topics such as creating a holistic approach to retirement, understanding the need for a balanced leisure lifestyle, choosing where to live, taking charge of your retirement development, and following the seven strategies for retirement success, including using your concept of legacy to guide your actions in life after work.
C. Why Me? And No Gold Watch!
With the world slipping economically, company downsizing, restructuring, reorganizing, and retrenching are becoming everyday occurrences.
Why Me? And No Gold Watch! concerns job loss and the prospect of retiring earlier than expected. Introducing Sally McBride, a fifty-seven-year-old middle manager who is terminated due to her company’s downsizing actions. Sally’s dilemma is whether to seek a new position, or retire. In her journey for answers, she turns to friends and acquaintances for help and direction. Those she meets with include her friend, Thelma; three successful retirees, Rique, Shivani, and Gomad; financial advisor, Daniel; her doctor, Dr. Albert Lee-Jong; experienced realtor, Michelle; lawyer, Emmanuel, and others. All provide insights, experiences and food for thought designed to help Sally find her way.
Why Me? And No Gold Watch! offers proven strategies for retirement success. Also included are self-reflective exercises, and model retirement visions and plans, to provide a pathway for the reader to make a successful transition from work to retirement.
Strategies for Retiring Right! and Why Me? And No Gold Watch! are available from Amazon and Barnes & Noble. All three books, Don’t Just Retire – Live It, Love It!; Strategies for Retiring Right! and Why Me? And No Gold Watch! are available in most libraries and from your favorite bookstore.
Rick Atkinson