Your Choice: Retirement Successful or Bust!

Successful retirees build their own realistic and well-rounded vision of retirement. They create and implement a plan to make it happen.

In my most recent book, Why Me? And No Gold Watch!, I assist you in doing the same. The book outlines the issues you need to address, and it covers best practices. It is my intent to provide you with insight and direction without compromising your own decision-making.

To spotlight the learning, you’ll look at Sally McBride, a fifty-seven-year-old employee at Benson & Sons who will be involuntarily leaving her position as a senior marketing associate due to an organizational restructuring.

Throughout the book, Sally, her friend Thelma Brooks and others will be referenced to help you to explore the knowledge, thoughts and insights I’ve gleaned from interviews with hundreds of successful retirees.

So now the choice is yours. You can sit and wait for whatever comes along or you can tackle the challenges and opportunities of retiring successfully. Will you reserve your place in the rocking chair or grab the brass ring of retirement life?

Why Me? And No Gold Watch! is available from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Indigo Books & other book sellers.