So You’re Thinking About Retirement

Sitting at your desk or standing by your machine, you picture waking up in the morning when you’re ready instead of when you have to; you lounge around the house with a cup of coffee and your favourite book; you call up friends for tennis or a round of golf, or maybe to play cards in the evening. Ah, freedom at last! You’re no longer working. You’re no longer commuting. For the first time in a long time, you’re really enjoying life. Finally, you are retired!

When most people think about retirement, they imagine leaving a job they dislike, dropping out of the rat race, and turning their back on the pressures of employment. They often see retirement as a welcome change or an escape to something more peaceful and serene. However, retiring is not only about giving up your job and spending your days relaxing; it’s also about entering one of the most exciting and challenging stages of life.

Retirement can be a time to draw upon your personal and professional experiences to open new doors of opportunity and education. It can be a time to realize your potential and accomplish significant goals that you delayed because of the responsibilities of working and raising a family. The opportunities in retirement are endless; however, a successful retirement doesn’t come without its hurdles.

There are many considerations, such as living on a reduced income, creating a health and wellness strategy, examining and maintaining relationships with family and friends, allocating personal time, establishing living arrangements, adopting and adapting to different social roles, and adjusting to the eventual death of a partner, friends, and family members.

Much of this material was and is inspired by successful retirees I meet as I travel throughout North America. In the course of many conversations, I repeatedly hear the importance of constructing and following a retirement vision and plan. Successful retirees underline the fact that having a well-thought-out vision acts as a compass during the transition into life after work. A retirement vision also acts as a touchstone for the decisions you’ll need to make along the way.

I also have been gratified by all the retirees who share their experiences and advice with those who are now considering retirement. Remember, there are so many people out there who are more than willing to help. All you need to do is ask! Your discoveries can also help others. I encourage you to drop me a note to share how your retirement plan is unfolding.

Please let me know about your experiences, challenges, and successes as you progress down the retirement road. I will make your insights and words of wisdom available to others who follow in your footsteps.

I sincerely hope your journey will be thought-provoking and rewarding. I wish you the best in creating the best retirement you can.

In these blog posts, I will offer you tips and strategies for a successful, happy retirement. Thank you for joining me on this adventure. For more tips and information on speaking engagements and future publications, sign up for my newsletter.