Successful retirees give considerable thought to how they want to be remembered. They suggest imagining being ninety or ninety-five years old. In old age, when you look back on your life, what will stand out as your best accomplishments? When others think of you, what will their memories be ?This is not an exercise in conceit; rather, it can help you identify what’s truly important in your life. This is part of what’s needed to imagine, plan, implement, and maintain a successful retirement. Here is an example: \Many years after I’m gone, I’d like my love for animals to live on. My financial planner knows this and has helped me identify certain assets to give to my favorite shelter after I have passed. It won’t matter that those assets are not nearly enough to put my name on a building. And in the meantime, I give my time at the shelter three days a week, teaching new volunteers. Elsa T., former newspaper journalist Elsa’s love for animals has current benefits for her as well:- She worked with her financial advisor on what amounts to an estate plan- She has a social circle of friends who work and volunteer at the shelter- Volunteering adds structure and a sense of fulfillment to her life- Teaching volunteers continually broadens her social circle and helps keep her brain challenged and healthy. Legacies can be big or small. The key is to ask yourself “How do I want to be remembered?” This question helps you keep perspective and will guide you in setting priorities for taking action.