When most people think about retirement, they imagine leaving a job they dislike, dropping out of the rat race and turning their back on the pressures of employment. They often see retirement as a welcome change or an escape to something more peaceful and serene. However, a successful retirement doesn’t just happen, it takes forethought and planning.
Successful retirees (1) build their own realistic and well-rounded vision of retirement and (2) create and implement a plan to make it happen! Their plan includes establishing a balanced leisure lifestyle; creating a health and well-being strategy, examining and maintaining relationships with family and friends, allocating personal time, establishing living arrangements, adopting and adapting to a different social role, and creating a personal and household budget. Successful retirees learn the art of retirement through learning from others. Things such as the importance of a positive attitude, realistic money management techniques, the best time of year to retire, steps for enriching relationships, how to have fun and of course, how to live retirement to its fullest!
f you are between ages of 45 to 65 and want a happy and stimulating retirement or you’re already retires and looking to add a little sizzle to your ‘golden years’, visit www.whencaniretire.ca today. Read my books, Don’t Just Retire – Live It, Love It! and Strategies for Retiring Right! Invite me to speak at a group event, arrange a workshop for your employees and/or clients, schedule a one-on-one or partner/spouse coaching session, drop me a note (ramgt75@rogers.com).