What I do
I am dedicated to assisting people realize their retirement goals. Together, the client and I create action plans designed to enhance life after work.
I help individuals and groups plan and achieve the retirement of their dreams.
I’m a popular guest speaker. I have spoken to groups from 10 to 300 attendees.
I'm the author of Strategies for Retiring Right!, Why Me? And No Gold Watch, and Don’t Just Retire – Live It, Love It!
My Story
I am president of RA Retirement Advisors and an expert in retirement planning. As a human resources management specialist with over 30 years’ experience in industry and government service, I've honed my understanding of what is required to lead a satisfying life after work. I've transferred my learning to writing and speaking about retirement planning and facilitating excellently received workshops and coaching.
I'm the author of the bestsellers, Strategies for Retiring Right!, Why Me? And No Gold Watch! and Don’t Just Retire – Live It, Love It! I also created the retirement planning workbooks The First Step and Strategies for Retiring Right! (The Abridged Workbook).
I'm also a popular guest speaker and have spoken to groups from 10 attendees to 300. I'm a Health Canada service provider.

Review of Rick Atkinson's Why Me? And No Gold Watch.
Danica Lavoie
Atkinson leaves soon-to-be retirees with a lot to think about and practical ways to put their thoughts into action. His approachable writing style and his vast store of knowledge on all aspects of planning for a successful retirement make this a must-read for those on its cusp.